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PDF's by year for Borough Council Meeting minutes from 2016-most recently approved meeting minutes.
PDF's showing the current fees charged by the Borough and our most recent Brochure
The PDF's of our current Borough Zoning Map. The Borough is zoned primarily Village with some Agricultural areas around our boarders.
PDF List of the zoning and buildinger permit applications for your project.
Tenant Occupancy Permit and other documents regarding rentals for Landlords
Permit featuring burning conditions that must be met to burn in the Borough.
Information required for someone to sell door to door in the Borough. If someone is at your door selling you something you should be able to call the Borough to determine if they are legitimate.
PDF explaining the concerns with stormwater and how to make small changes on your property to mitigate the issue.
Call before you dig! This is a free service to the homeowner and requires all of the utilites with underground facilities to mark them at your dig site. If you do not call and you hit something you are fully liable. If you call, you are protected.
Information about Frequently asked questions and where to find the Ordinance that regulates them.
The PDF's of our current Borough Ordinances and Resolutions including our Subdivision And Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) and our Zoning Ordinance featuring a zoning map.
Res 2021-9 2022 fees (pdf)
DownloadUnfortunately, due to COVID-19 permits are not able to be issued until the bans are lifted. The only exception is for those property owners with DCED waivers. We can still accept the applications and submit them so they can be processed in the order of receipt when they are able to be issued. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Before you dig for any reason call 811 to let them know. This free service will contact all of the utilities in your area to come out and mark their underground facilities. This infomation saves on damage and also protects you as the homeowner should something happen. If you don't call you are fully liable.
Burning Permit with ordinance (pdf)
DownloadClick on the link below to check out PA DCNR's information regarding burning and conditions.
Click on the link below to check ou DCNR's Forecast Map to determine if potential issues exist.
Click on the link below to check out DCNR's Observed Issues Map.
Borough Minutes by Year
Transient Retail Business Permit Application (pdf)
DownloadEffective October 7, 2020 Franklintown Borough resident's poling location has been permanently changed to the Franklintown United Brethren Church Basement
14 N.. Baltimore St.
Franklintown PA 17323
Park in the church's parking lot and enter in the double doors at the ground level.
Click on the website link below for all Pennsylvania Election and Voting info.
Borough Minutes are always a month behind as they aronly available to the public after they have been approved at the next meeting.