Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Settlement form Fillable (pdf)
DownloadFranklintown Borough does not receive door to door mail delivery, go to this section for information on how to receive mail in the Borough.
There is a settlement form above, please email the complete form to
A Tenant/Rental registration permit is required to be obtained prior to the individual moving in. The permit application can be obtained on the Minutes & Information page under Landlord Tenant Occupancy form.
PDF's of our New Customer App for Trash and Water Service in the Borough and the York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) New Resident Form.
Franklintown Borough coordinates the trash and recycling pickup for the whole Borough. Find out the necessary information on these services.
Recycling guidelines are ever changing. Check out this section for the most up to date recycling guidelines from our hauler.. Please review the newly released PA DEP Recycling Brochure.
Find out information on special programs offered to us as York County Residents like: Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics Recycling and Free Tire Acceptance.
Frankintown Borough is not afforded door to door mail delivery. This results in much confusion as the mailing addresses are different from the actual physical location of the properties.
RURAL: Any rural route in Franklintown Borough will require Dillsburg PA 17019 to receive delivery.
PO Box: If you are not lucky enough to live on a rural route a PO Box is required. The smallest size Box does not have a fee with proof of residency. However, Proof of Residency must be provided in person annually to mainatain the free rental. If your mail exceeds the box frequently or the box is not emptied causing it to overflow the Post Office can require you to pay to rent a larger box. The mailing address depends on the location of the PO Box you rent. Below is a document to assist you in your new address. There is also a Constituent Form should you have any issues.
For those that have a PO Box Please complete the USPS form for new residents below and take to the Post Office if you have not done so at rental. Make sure to list children and adults so packages from Grandma don't get returned.
When possible list your address like so: 116 S. Baltimore St.
PO Box 88
Franklintown PA 17323.
If the company only has 1 address line and won't take a PO Box list your address like this: 116 S. Baltimore St. #88
Franklintown PA 17323.
When looking for a package please check the delivery method the company is using and contact that company for issues.
Water for Franklintown Borough and some surrounding Franklin Township residents is provided by Franklintown Borough Municipal Authority. The Authority office is in the Borough office.
CCR website:
Water is billed independently of DAA (Sewer only)
Water Payments:
9/15-12/15 usage billed January
due February 25th
12/15-3/15 usage billed April due May 25th
3/15-6/15 usage billed July due August 25th
6/15-9/15 usage billed October
due November 25th
Owner's are billed for all utilities. They can choose to have a courtesy bill sent to their tenants. They do this on the Tenant Occupancy Permit required for all Franklintown Borough properties with tenants. Franklin Township properties need to contact the Authority Office.
Sewer is provided by Dillsburg Area Authority.
Sewer is billed independently of Water despite the invoices saying they are for water & sewer. Sewer is currently billed on the same cycle as the Water bills from Franklintown Borough Municipal Authority.
DAA Office: 98 W. Church Street,
Dillsburg, PA 17019
DAA Phone: 717-502-0431
We are in the Central District. Please use the link below to go directly to the sewer page.
The Curbside Trash pickup day is Friday. If there is a Holiday the pickup day will be the next day.
Do Not put out trash before 5PM on the night before pickup.
Curbside pickup customers can put out either (4) 32 gallon containers or (1) 90-100 gallon curb cart, the current provider has opted to provide curb carts. Please do not discard your old containers as these are not requested in our bids and may not be provided in the future.
The Curbside Recycling pickup day is Friday. If there is a Holiday the pickup day will be the next day.
Do Not put out recycling before 5PM on the night before pickup.
Please use the Green Recycling bins supplied for recycling only.
The Dumpster pickup day is Tuesday. If there is a Holiday the pickup day will be the next day.
Please do not prevent your neighbors from disposing of their trash by over filling or putting in large or not accepted items.
There are recycling carts at the dumpsters in town for the dumpster customer use. These are shared, please do not move them in front of the dumpster or take one for yourself.
Trash service is coordinated by the Borough for all residents of the Borough. The Trash is required for all residential properties per ordinance. Our Current Hauler for 2022-2024 is Republic Services. Please contact the Borough office for any trash related questions or issues.
For specific questions check with the Borough Office or York County Solid Waste Authority at their website or by phone – 717-845-1066.
Trash Payments Are now billed by Franklintown Borough Municipal Authority and due the same time the quarterly water bill is due.
All payments are applied to Trash first.
Jan-March billed January
due February 25th
April-June billed April due May 25th
July-September billed July due August 25th
October-December billed October due November 25th.
Owner's are billed for all utilities. They can choose to have a courtesy bill sent to their tenants. They do this on the Tenant Occupancy Permit required for all Franklintown Borough properties with tenants.
Our contract provides each pickup the ability to place 1 large item to the curb for pickup per week.
The pickup for large items is always the same day as curbside trash and recycling pickup.
It is important to make the Borough Office aware that you are putting out a large item. They need to advise the trash to pick it up and determine if the item needs to be broken down.
For Dumpster customers - do not place your large items in or near the dumpster. They will be missed and cause issues with the dumpster pickup the next day.
Recycling containers are the property of the current hauler afforded to the Borough through our contract. They are for recycling only!
If you move, the recycling container should remain with the property.
Recycling Guidelines:
*All recycling must be clean
*Only put container out when full. (Clean requirement should eliminate odor concerns.)
*No Plastic bags of any kind
*No Pizza boxes, cereal, soda or meal kit boxes, etc.
*No magazines
*No container lids (soda/water bottle caps, tea/milk jug lids, peanut butter jars, etc.)
Acceptable: Glass, paper, plastic, cans, cardboard in 3ft. X 3ft. bundles
See below for info about York County Solid Waste Authority
York County Solid Waste Authority determines the recycling guidelines for the entire county.
Have Chemicals, etc. you don't know what to do with. Check out the link below for their proper disposal.
Check out the link below for information on where to take your electronics.
The Borough facilitated our first Electronics Collection day in 2020 and plans to do them annually or bi-annually going forward. Keep checking for future dates.
Have tires hanging around? Check out the link below for information on how to get rid of them.