Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Borough of Franklintown's 2020 Real Estate Tax is
2.07 mills on each dollar of assessed value. This rate equates to a tax of $20.70 cents on each $100.00 of assessed valuation of taxable property.
The Homestead/Farmstead application to reduce your Real Estate Taxes is below.
Borough Residents 18 or older are taxed $15.00 annually for per capita. This is split between the Borough and the School District. Per Act 511 The Borough charges $5 and the School District charges $5. Under the school code the school district charges an additional $5.
Borough = $5.00
School = $10.00
A tax of 0.50% is imposed on earned income and net profits earned by residents of the municipality.
January - Real Estate for County & Borough and Per Capita for Borough ($5 per person age 18 or older)
Collected by York County or
Accepted in Borough Office
July - Real Estate and Per Capita for School District ($10 per person age 18 or older)
Collected by Debbi Beitzel in Dillsburg
Iterim - this is a real estate tax bill for a change in the assessment and can have varying due dates. The change is often due to a change in value due to improvements. If you had a permit you may have an interim tax bill.
Tthe appointed tax collector for Franklintown Borough is York County. They will collect the taxes due from Franklintown Borough Residents and/or property owners owed to Franklintown Borough and York County.
Checks - Checks are accepted subject to clearance up to December 17, 2022. A $50.00 Service Fee will be charged on all RETURNED or STOP PAYMENT CHECKS. All payments accepted by the POSTMARK DATE on the envelope - NOT THE CHECK DATE.
Payment after December 17, 2022 will only be accepted in the form of Cashier's check, Money Order or Cash. If a check is received after December 17, 2022 it will be returned via mail. No special contact will be made to allow for correction prior to the deadline.
TAX PAYMENTS MUST BE IN THE OFFICE BY DECEMBER 31, 2022. TAXES NOT PAID BY THIS DATE WILL BE FORWARDED FOR COLLECTION. York County Treasurer's Office 28 E. Market St. York PA 17401 Telephone 717-771-9667 Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30PM Email
York County Credit Card Options
Click on the Link/Burton below
Select the following options:
1. State: Pennsylvania
2. Jurisdiction: York County
3. Transaction: Real Estate
Note: Only Franklintown Borough Real Estate tax payments can be paid with credit card. Convenience fee will be applied.
Tthe appointed tax collector for Franklintown Borough is York County. They will collect the taxes due to Franklintown Borough, Northern York County School District and York County.
Franklintown Borough Office will only accept CHECK tax payments to forward to the county for convenience. Cash payments must be made in person to York County only. Reciepts may not be available until the County processes the payment. More Information to come
The School District's
Taxes are collected by Debbi Beitzel
Mailing Address: 25 W. Franklin St. Dillsburg PA 17019
Office Address 233 S. Chestnut St. Dillsburg PA 17019
Click on the link below to go to the York County Real Estate Assessment Map.
Click on the 2nd option - Property Viewer and follow the prompts. Zoom in to Franklintown located in the upper left of the county until you can choose a parcel.
Click on the link, choose accept in the box and search or double click to enlarge the map